A Real Mom Tries Biker Shorts with Heels

featured, JOY

Okay, dirty secret time. I love “The Kardashians.” ????I KNOW. It’s a doozy, right?

I basically just told you my kids eat Oreos and Coke for breakfast while I snack on Cheerios in wine. Some secrets should STAY SECRET. ????

They are some polarizing ladies, but I think the whole thing is hysterical, and glorious, and weirdly reminds me of life with my sisters, where we fight and make up and give each other a hard time.

If you don’t watch it, you might not be aware that biker shorts are a VERY BIG THING in their world. Like they wear them with everything.

My sister Molly thinks they look ridiculous and most of the time I agree, but then every so often Kim will show up looking like she’s off to a triathlon in heels and I’ll think, “Is that cool? Could I pull off long distance biking, office-chic? Maybe I should give it a go?”

WHY NOT? You only live once, right?

Now there are more subtle ways to wear biker shorts in real life (we’ll get to that in a minute), but I wanted to go full-on Kardashian and give it the ole college try.

So, basically I put on what I’d normally wear with a straight skirt to a meeting, but swapped out the shorts.

Then I ran from the paparazzi because I imagine that’s what happens when you walk around looking like a confused fitness instructor. They assume you MUST be famous, because why else would you be trying to get away with this outfit?

Because I am a glutton for punishment, I took it one step further and TUCKED IN MY SHIRT. I mean who tucks in your shirt to biker shorts? THE KARDASHIANS, my friends, which is how we ended up here.

You can tell from my expression that we’ve officially left the Ridiculous Zone and are headed into Crazy Town.

Where I can maybe get behind the oversized shirt version where my stomach and butt are covered up, tucking in my shirt with a jacket just looks like I forgot my pants. And not in a good way. Although, is there a good way to lose your pants? That seems like a convo for a different day.

FINAL VERDICT: Can’t do it

You gals know, I love fashion and trends, but I think I’m a little too old for this one. I prefer my outfits to fit one genre at a time (working out + office just feel too opposite ends of the spectrum for me).

Having said that, I did try to find a real life way to wear bikers as you can see below.  

I think it’s…not bad? I still feel like I’d like the outfit better with jean shorts and I felt kind of silly walking around, but my sister (who’s young and cool) said it looks good so we should probably believe her because she’s young and cool.

I did like that it was verrrrry comfortable and easy. This might actually be the perfect Thanksgiving outfit, come to think of it – you look stylish, but can eat an entire pumpkin pie without any pesky pants to unbutton.

Also, you can always throw in a quick work out if you get bored. ????

Okay, what do you think? Should we keep biker shorts strictly for working out or are you into them as everyday clothing? Or even – gasp! – as office attire? TELL ME EVERYTHING!

Photos by my Kardashian sister, Milou and Olin
  1. Hillary says:

    1) I watched the Kardashians when I first entered motherhood. As I sat pumping while Owen napped and watched, it absolutely gave me a sense of comfort and honestly, it made me laugh especially considering the minutia that would cause stress and chaos in that family. But I guess it’s all relative, yeah?

    2) You ABSOLUTELY nailed the shorts with the sweater! I would wear that in a heartbeat.

    3) Heading out now to get my first pair. TOODLES! 😀

    • Kara says:

      1. I totally agree! I like that no matter how much money you have and how much help you have, your family still drives you nuts and life still causes you stress.

      2. THANK YOU! I think I’m going to keep trying it because it is verrrry comfy.

      3. And YES! Send me a pic when you get some!!

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