Hot Tip #2: Do something because it makes you really flippin' happy

featured, JOY

In case you missed it, I’m going to be sharing one hot tip a week for how to have more fun in super-easy ways that will work FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. #nopressure ????

Um, are you working really hard? Yeah. Me too.

And sometimes I feel like there’s so little time in my days that unless it’s getting me somewhere and moving me forward and helping me reach my goals, what’s the damn point?

Which is exactly why we need Hot Fun Tip #2: Do something for absolutely no reason other than that it makes you happy.

Every single morning my husband gets up and plays the guitar at the ungodly hour of 5am. He doesn’t play in a band and isn’t aspiring to go on “The Voice”; he plays because it fills him up and makes him really, really happy.

And, you guys, that’s enough! That’s more than enough!

I have a tendency to get caught in the trap of only reading books and watching videos that will move my business forward, or “having fun” by working on being a better person by exercising or learning to cook (bleh), or going to events that will empower me and help me grow into the person I’m meant to be, and OMG, STOP IT, YA WALKING O MAGAZINE?!?!

When I was pregnant with my son I took an Acting class because, this is going to sound weird, I like an audience. ???? I was seven months pregnant and wasn’t going to get cast and I didn’t want to! I just wanted to be on stage, doing something that brings me joy. And it did.

I’ve done this with soccer (no pro contract yet), African dance classes, making DIY holiday presents, and my weekly US Weekly perusing.

I’ve been better at it and then not as good at it (I’m realizing right now my life could use a little more non-purpose driven time), but I’ve never regretted that time spent.

Okay, enough talking, Kara! How can I make this happen and do something only because it makes me happy?

1. Take a class for the fun of it. The advantage of taking a class is YOU HAVE TO GO. You’ve paid for it so you better go and enjoy it.

Also, make it something you’re most likely going to be terrible at so there’s no pressure. Rollerskating comes to mind for me or maybe a painting class or Hip Hop dance (although there’s a very real chance I could have a second career as a dancer so I better watch myself with that one).

2. Make a date with yourself. Remember when you were single or childless and you’d have a day in front of you with nothing to do (I feel like that used to happen although it feels so far away…)? Take a night a week (or a month!) and give yourself the gift of time. Go to a movie, get a massage, read a book in a coffee shop, walk around aimlessly, just do whatever you feel like.

3. Reconnect with your childhood. What did you do when you were a kid that you would lose yourself in? For me, it was dressing up and talking to myself as different characters in the mirror, which is why I still spend a lot of time in the bathroom (and do Instagram Stories).

For one of my friends, it was playing soccer, so she never misses a game. Another friend loves to sing so she joined a choir. Another friend is taking ceramics classes because in her heart she’s an artist.

The point is, who we were when we were little can tell us a lot about what brings us joy now. Tap into those memories and use them for fun.

4. Buddy up. One of my great joys as a kid was a self-designed Reading Club with one of my friends where she’d come over and we’d read books side-by-side while sucking Butterscotch candies (yes, my parents were pretty happy with this set up). Would I have read as much without our weekly date? Probably. But, our date guaranteed my time with Anne of Green Gables (omg, I did date occasionally, I swear).

As an adult, we don’t get a lot of opportunities for impromptu read-a-thons with friends, so I say, start a club. Invite your mom friends to a book club (or pretend it’s one), start a supper club, watch The Bachelor every week with friends, just set up a time where you’re accountable to having fun without a purpose.

5. Ask yourself “What is my end goal?” If it’s something like “grow my business”, “make more money”, “build a firmer derierre” then rethink it because what we’re looking for here is “to have the best time ever” or “it makes me feel alive” or “when I do x, my heart explode with happiness.”

Now, I’m not saying it absolutely can’t be both. I mean I love yoga because it makes me feel whole and settled and alive AND it’s great for my rear, but we’re leading with joy over hard body in this case. You feel me?

Your challenge this week, should you choose to accept it! (I mean, duh, totally do it, k?)

Commit to doing one thing that brings you intense joy for ONE TIME.

Don’t make this harder than it needs to be. Just do something purposeless one time this week and see what happens.

(SPOILER ALERT: It’s going to be awesome and you’re going to probably want more. OMG, SHHHH, Kara!)

Let me know in the comments what you decide to do and let’s go have some serious fun!

Photo by my gal Milou and Olin of one of my fave books
that would totally count towards your fun this week. ????


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