Why you need support (and the nine mindset shifts you gotta make to get it)




I have gotten more done in the past six months than I have over the past ten years and, while it’s been shifting a bunch of different things, the biggest is I finally, finally have allowed myself to get help. 

And, yes, I do mean “allow” because it has been a real process moving from this idea that I have to do everything myself, from laundry, to kids’ activities, to volunteering, to being a sounding board for everyone in my life. Plus, there’s all of the work stuff, the house stuff, life stuff, living stuff! I don’t need to tell you!

And I thought that it was all about not having the money to do it, but I’ve recently realized that it was really because I needed to shift my mindset. I had to decide I am worth the time and energy and money to get help. And it has been LIFE CHANGING. Genuinely, I don’t think you’d be listening to this podcast if I finally hadn’t bit the bullet and gotten help!

So, let’s talk about it! Let’s get down and dirty and talk today about the mindset shifts that you need to make in order to get support in your life and business. 

In this episode we talk about:

  • My personal journey and how I’ve transformed my life over these past few months by finally allowing myself to get help
  • All of the mindset shifts you need to make to start asking for and accepting help (for example, moving from guilt over getting help to gratitude you can have help)
  • How our culture puts pressure on women to do everything on our own
  • A breakdown of the different ways you can get help in your life, where you can get the help, and how to do it if you have a limited budget!
  • Practical ideas and services for how to get support at home and work, from cleaning and cooking to business tasks and childcare
  • How getting help can lead to a more fulfilling life, allowing you to focus on what truly matters
  •  A quick and easy exercise to help you figure out where you can ask for help in your life!

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by the never-ending to-do list and thought you had to handle it all on your own, this episode is for you. Tune in to hear more about how you can shift your mindset, embrace support, and create a life that truly feels like your own. 


Laura Vanderkham's time audit (I said her name wrong in the podcast! But, this is the brilliant gal, who talks about time management! Do her time audit - it's so good!)

Yohana: the digital personal assistant service (I haven't used it, but Instagram definitely thinks I should use it! 😂)

Happy Nest: laundry service that again, haven't tried, but I'll lyk if I do!

My Journey with ADHD and getting a late-in-life diagnosis podcast episode

Loom: free service where you can record on your computer how you do things in your business

Link to print outs I use for my kids that lay out what they need to do for each room to be "done"

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Hi! I'm your host, Kara!

I'm a formerly "fine" person, who now is living life fully in color. It's not perfect - it's real and messy, but it feels like me.

But, holy cow, it was SUCH A LONG ROAD to get here and I made every mistake in the book.

Which is why I started the "University of Being Yourself" podcast. So, hopefully, you can learn from my mistakes!

We'll get real about fun, mental health, and, yes, self-improvement, and I promise you'll walk away with tangible tips you can use to start making real life small shifts. 

Are you ready to have some fun together?


Freebies to get you feeling like you again

Hubba Hubba Challenge

Shower and get dressed for three days with our super-easy and fun challenge. Show up big for yourself and watch your confidence sky rocket. 


Operation Oxygen Mask Challenge

Make yourself a priority each and every day. Learn how to show up consistently (and easily!) in your life so you can have more fun and patience.


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